Saturday, June 2, 2012

'Devastating,' 'Pathetic,' What's Your Superlative for Jobs Report?, Job Creationism, The Newest Biden, No Love for Badminton (PM Note)

Amy Walter's Zeitgeist With 158 Days To Go -?Today's dismal jobs report (and stock market swoon) reminds us that the economy - not "Birtherism"or battles over who likes/hates Bain - will drive this election.

And, neither candidate has an advantage on the issue. On the question of which candidate "better understands how the economy works," a new CNN poll finds Obama and Romney tied at 45%. Thirty one percent of Americans say economic conditions will improve only if Romney wins while 28% think things will get better only if Obama stays in office.

There's a Tornado Watch in D.C. Take Cover.

We'll Hope the East Coast Rain Clears up for Joe Biden's Daughter's Wedding.

Meet Joe Biden's New Son-in-Law - Do-gooder ear, nose and throat doctor and plastic surgeon -

Next Week Watch Wisconsin - Says Amy: Voters in Wisconsin go to the polls Tuesday (June 5) to decide whether to recall GOP Gov. Scott Walker. The latest polls show Walker with a narrow lead over Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. If Walker wins, Republicans will argue that this traditionally blue state is now in play for Mitt Romney. Democrats, however, will point to a recent poll by Marquette University that showed Obama leading Romney by 8 points in the Badger State. What both sides do agree on, however, is that a Walker win will help energize the GOP base. The only question is whether that enthusiasm can hold up for five long months.

Jeb Bush Tells Jon Karl He Can Prove He Won't be VP - He'd Support Raising Revenue -

Obama Predicts GOP 'Fever' On Revenue / Taxes Will Break Next Year -

Jobs Creationism - Obama or Romney? - The ultimate, final, last word on who is the better jobs creator - Obama or Romney? Matt Negrin says It's complicated -

Is Jobs Report the Signal Independent Voters are Seeking? - Matt Dowd creatively channels the inner mind of the independent voter and wonders what will sway them. He thinks bad jobs numbers might just do the trick. -

"Devastating" and "Pathetic" - Politicians React to Dismal Jobs Report -

Obama Says Bear With Me Longer - At Honeywell in Minnesota - "Today, we're still fighting our way back from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression," the president told workers at the Honeywell Golden Valley facility. "The economy is growing again, but it's not growing as fast as we want it to grow. Our businesses have created almost 4.3 million new jobs over the last 27 months, but as we learned in today's jobs report, we're still not creating them as fast as we want." -

Romney and Obama Duel Over Solyndra, Investment Records - After weeks of Democratic attacks on Mitt Romney's record of investments at Bain Capital, Republicans are turning the tables with fresh scrutiny of Obama administration investments in clean energy technology firms, some of which have failed. -

From the Fact Check Desk - Romney's Bad Claim on Solyndra -?Did the Energy Department Inspector General Testify that Energy Loans Had Been Steered to Friends and Family? - Yesterday in California, Mitt Romney stood in front of the failed Solyndra factory and said "an independent inspector general looked at this investment and concluded that the administration had steered money to friends and family, to campaign contributors." - Tapper says that's not quite true -

Fundraising Weekend - Romney Out West, Obama in the MidWest

Boehner Says Obama Should Stop Playing Badminton and Start Playing Rugby - After what he called another month of? "disappointing job? gains,"?? House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio,? challenged Presient Obama to abandon his day-t0-day campaigning and engage Congress on "the big policies that are affecting our economy."? (Flashback: Didn't Boehner walk away from the grand bargain?) -?

Jeb Bush (Still) Opposes Norquist No-Tax Pledge - Grilled by Democrats on Capitol Hill - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has risen to the top of the veepstakes list, but today he strayed from his party's policies, in particular pointing out that while running for office in the Sunshine State, he did not sign a no-taxes pledge orchestrated by Grover Norquist of the Americans for Tax Reform. (Walshe and Parkinson)

Walmart Cuts Funds to Conservative Group, Cash Flow to GOP Continues - Amy Bingham reports Walmart joined an ever-growing list this week of American business giants that have cut ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council after the conservative group began "to weigh in on issues that stray away from its core mission," as Walmart Vice President Maggie Sans said. Instead of sticking solely to economic issues, ALEC has recently ventured into social topics like gun laws and voter ID requirements, issues that Sans said make the divide between ALEC's activities and Walmart's mission "too wide."

Obama Friend Whitaker Denies Wright Allegation of Bribe - One of President Obama's closest friends denied to ABC News a charge against him made by the president's former spiritual adviser, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. -

Unwanted Endorsement Dept. - John Rocker for Romney, by Default -

Why Did Congress Help Out One NY Bank? - In today's terse economic climate, it's not often that a bill surfaces with bi-partisan support, let alone a bill to help out a single New York bank. The provision is targeted specifically at one of the nation's 7,307 banks-New York based Emigrant Savings Bank. It's a bank owned by billionaire Howard Milstein, who is known for making contributions to political candidates, including those who voted for the legislation on Thursday.

Clinton Likes Romney's Business - On CNN last night, former President Bill Clinton was asked by fill-in host Harvey Weinstein about the Obama campaign's attacks on Mitt Romney's tenure as head of private equity firm Bain Capital. More from Jake Tapper -

20 Fun Facts from the Maraniss Obama Book - Obama was in a drag race and the car Flipped - He smoke cigarettes like he smoked a joint - he wore hats?

Romney Won't Tell Trump to Dial it Down -

Sen. Portman Wraps 'Positive' Israel Trip -

Pawlenty Opens Romney Veep Door a Crack - As President Obama heads to Minnesota today, Tim Pawlenty, the state's former governor and now a national co-chairman of Mitt Romney's campaign, said he would be "honored" to serve as Romney's running mate if asked.

Obama Apologizes to Poland - In Letter to Polish President, President Obama Expresses Regret Over Use of Term "Polish Death Camp" -

Has the US Declared (Cyber) War on Iran? - Jake Tapper revisits his This Week interview with Leon Panetta in light of new reports about the U.S. doing a little cyber attacking of it's own -

Veep Beat: Portland and the 'Pizzazz' Factor - Portman says country doesn't need pizzazz; Edwards Jurors Explain Why Guilty Verdicts Weren't Possible -

Big Paychecks, Tiny Tax Burdens: How 21,000 Wealthy Americans Avoided Paying Income Tax - The richest woman in Wisconsin, Diane Hendricks, is worth an estimated $2.8 billion, but she did not pay a dime in state income tax in 2010, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel first reported. Because of a change in how her company, ABC Supply Inc., the country's largest distributor of roofing, windows and siding, is structured, Hendricks reduced her personal state income tax burden from $2.3 million in 2009 to zero in 2010, according to records the state Department of Revenue released to the Journal-Sentinel. -

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