Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Financial Outlook | The Bankruptcy Blog

New Years Day 2013 came and went.? Many of us have made resolution to try to better ourselves over the next twelve months.? Depending on where you need to focus, this can be an excellent opportunity to try and tighten up your financial outlook.? With a few small changes, you have the potential to gain a new level of financial security (and hopefully find a way to stave off calling a bankruptcy attorney).

  • Save a portion of every paycheck you earn- NO EXCEPTIONS

It sounds easy, take a small portion of every paycheck and set it aside for a rainy day.? If you can save $50 off each check, and you get paid by-weekly, you?ll have saved over $1,250 by the end of the year!? It?s a fair assumption that you won?t need to dip into your rainy day funds more than once every couple of years, so this can quickly add up to several thousands of dollars.? The only catch is, you need to do it every paycheck.? If you start to let this slip, you?ll lose the habit and have a drought stricken rainy day fund.

  • Eat a light, homemade lunch

This can help your wallet as well as your waist.? Snacking on fresh fruit and celery during the day is cheaper than buying greasy fast food, and better for you.? If you invest your time preparing a proportioned meal for lunch, you won?t have to worry about waiting in line during your precious lunch break.

  • Check your cell phone bill

There was a time where people were really concerned about how many minutes they have on their cell phone plans, but for many, that times has left.? With most carriers offering free cell to cell calls, and free nights and weekends (as well as the rise in texting), many people have an abundance of minutes left over each month.? Often times, you can do with less monthly minutes and save $10, $20 or even $30 a month.? This can really add up in the long term.

  • Pay off credit cards when you have the money

Millions of Americans are in some sort of credit card debt.? And while everyone wants to be free of it, many don?t take the time to look at how much they owe.? If you have a credit card were you are making minimum payments of $50 or $60, you may be able to pay off the balance.? Don?t just continue making payments, the longer you do that the more you pay in interest to the credit card companies.? If you can pinch pennies and wipe out an entire card, you can save yourself interest you have to pay the credit card company, and instead use your money to earn interest.

While there are dozens of great ways to sure up your finances this year, these few easy to follow tips can help save you big time.

Tags: New Year Resloution

This entry was posted by Bob on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 at 9:09 pm and is filed under Finance 101: Secure Your Future. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


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